
I am not personally nor is saabgarage.com affiliated with the Saab car brand in any way. I am a Saab owner and enthusiast who has an interest in sharing my experiences with owning, maintaining, and modifying Saab automobiles. Any information, opinions, reviews, photos, images and videos that I provide are provided with the best of intentions; however keep in mind that I am a car enthusiast sharing his experiences and not any of the following: god, an engineer (although I did fail out of engineering school…. er… twice), nor an ASE certified mechanic (although I did pass one of their exams, I am not ASE certified). Therefore you assume all of the risk by using or following any of the content provided on this website. I will not be held financially or legally responsible if you hurt, kill, or injure yourself or anyone else by using this content. Car maintenance, restoration, modification and even driving itself can be extremely dangerous and lethal. You should be skeptical of any auto advice or information that you get on the internet and this website is no exception.  Use common sense, be safe and use your best judgement when enjoying the automotive hobby. The views expressed in the comments of this website do not necessarily reflect the views held by myself or the authors of this website. Comments are the sole responsibility of the writers and they will take the full legal risk for the content of their own comments.